Tuesday, January 30, 2007
you all know i love you.
i do, i really do.
darlings, i'll miss all of you.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
fucked up.
Monday, January 22, 2007
17th jan, wed.it's the last day of lecture day.
yes, it got all boring.
cindy and i sat in the cafe almost the whole day eating, talking, drawing, rotting, blahblahblah.
such a waste of time.
then veeks, kenneth, colin and winifred came to the table and started playing cards. not poker cards. guess, guess!

so did you get it right? haha. okay, have a closer look at the cards!

yes! it's HAPPY FAMILY! :D

now you know why i keep saying school is boring. :/
had dance after school. it'a an audition for the jaycee ones, so we're just there to help out.
there're around 70 to 80 of them? really darn alot. when they're on the stage in the cc, they totally block all of us. i can't imagine how we're gonna dance in the future.
after dance, shi jie, lee yujia and i actually wanted to go plaza singapora for subway, but in the end, we went bishan. and when we walked pass cafe cartel, we saw our cafe cartel cute guy! :D he's dead drop gorgeous, seriously! and he's from sajc, according to shi jie.
i'm starting to wonder what happened to the rest of the sa guys. hahaha. :D
so, i decided to walk into mos burger, which is just opposite cafe cartel, and sat facing cafe cartel. hahaha! :D and obviously, the two with me were more than willing to eat at mos burger, though my dearest shi jie complained that mos burger is unhealthy in the bus, on the way to j8. after our dinner, we went to cafe cartel to buy cakes. heh.
"thank you, see you again!" (:(:(:
18th jan, thurs.it's the first day of proper timetable.
it's my longest day out of the five days.
i had pe and we took our height and weight. right after my lunch!
i'm declaring that i'm on a strict diet from on on. i gained like 3-5kg lah! wtf. and i'm only 164 cm now. -.- i think the machine is incorrectly calibrated or something. aaahh! :/
oh, and guess who we got for gp! ms zhou. gosh.
and we played a bleh game. this is what i did when i got so bored.
19th jan, fri.yada yada yada.
had dance. something funny happened. hahaha! jun! :D
was supposed to go coronation plaza for dinner with the dancers. but in the end, most couldn't make it. so i waited for baby to end training. then we went for dinner and home sweet home.
gp is totally boring! :/
20th jan, sat.had dance in the morning. but i was having flu, so didn't dance.
after dance, i rushed home, bathed and took a train down to dhoby ghaut.
baby was supposed to meet me at 3.30 p.m. but he's late, as usual. so i ended up waiting for him. was really hungry by then, i went to buy crispy chicken.
baby came. while walking to the park mall bus stop, it started raining. and my pathetic umbrella seemed even smaller.
took a bus down to pei li's house, which is pretty near to great world.
it's OG1 BBQ! OG1 IS LOVE. (:(:(:
had a great time.
oh, our dearest cindy got drunk! she did lots of funny things! hahaha! kenneth got a video of her. wait till i get it from him. :DD
21st jan, sun.missed church service.
went for teaching.
i love my girls! they always make my day! (:(:(:
after classes, i went to wing tai industrial. they sell adidas, nike, etc. at really low prices! got a adidas bad and adidas dance pants at only $50+! cheap cheap! (:
then went to hougang mall with mom and dad. i had zha jiang la mian and xiao long bao for lunch. (:
okay, this week has been passing really quickly!
maybe it's because i've been staying up late almost every night, trying to complete tutorials. trust me, it's never ending.
but anyway, everything is going fine.
oh, haha, maybe you'll think i'm crazy or something, but i miss doing crunches during ms wee's class. :/ and i'm starting to love stretching. :/ i remember how much i hated stretching last time. how strange.alright, some photos! (:
i did this during econs tutorial while playing some game.

cindy drew the heart, i drew/ wrote those words inside. (: how pretty, right!

i drew this!

guess who did this! no prize for the right answer. hahaha.

yes! how did you know cindy did it?! her leftover rice, which is so much, it's enough to make such a big heart. haha. :D
go ahead! LAUGH! HAHAHAHAHA! that's mok for you! :DD

anyway, i came back home after physics lecture because i wasn't feeling well.
then baby came over with mos burger after going to the gym with melvin after school. (:
goodbye world. (:
it's a journey of love.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
tomorrow is the last day for lecture day.
YAY! to shorter breaks.
BOO! to shorter breaks.
oh wells.. contridicting myself once again.
general paper lecture today was not that boring.
ms ngiam showed us this penguin movie trailer. it's so cute lah! and she definitely did make it more interesting.

and she used it as a example.

but i wonder why people still fall asleep. haha.
(oh, i realised i've been taking pictures of people sleeping during lecture.)

so, og1 was supposed to go clarke quay after school today. but in the end, i've no idea why, it's cancelled. so i went down to the ica building to extend baby's passport with him.
i thought it's cute! :D 10 years back, it's how he signed his passport.

and i really love this photo! way back when he's in primary 2! hahaha.

then we took a train down to bugis for dinch.
ate pasta mania! (:(:(:
and did some shopping. heh. spent only $25!
here are the stuffs i got. and i tell you, i'm totally in loveeee with my tinkerbell! (:(:(:

alright, i'm pretty sad these days.
because i've so many pimples! ):):):
i wanna cryyyyyyy!
Monday, January 15, 2007
nothing much happened in school today just that i dropped my wallet into my food and it's dirty/ oily/ sticky/ gross now.
disgusting shit. gonna throw it away.
oh, if you didn't know, my birthday is just around the corner! :D it's 8th feb, remember, ya? hahaha!
something i found quite interesting.
yes, people dozing off at the starting of the lecture on the first day of the week.

and look closely at her ear. haha.

and THIS is the in thing, man! :D
NOTE: kenneth's socks!

baby came over my place, and we played playstation again! (:
yes, you're right! i own him, again! hahaha. :D
ddr, won him.
puzzle fighter, won him, 5-2. not bad, he improved. heh.
puzzle bubble, won him, 10-2!
bishi bashi, won him, 4-3, 6-1, 5-2.
hahahaha! :DD
oh, i almost forgot. baby got into water polo! (:
i'm so very proud of him! (:(:(:
Sunday, January 14, 2007
it'gonna be a looooooong entry.
so let me start updating from 30th dec 2006! :D
30th dec, sat.
woke up rather late. watched teevee and bum around before meeting baby to et his aunt's birthday present.
met baby at orchard mrt. he was late, as usual. tsk tsk. :/ some talent shit thingy came up to me first, then some guy asking for donation came. orchard mrt has lots of these kinda shit. i wonder why. oh wells.
went for brunch with baby at food republic. ate fried prawn noodle! (: then bought a bag from charles and keith for his aunt.
oh, baby's such a nag. :D he stopped me from shopping!
baby walked me over to far east to meet lynette and cindy. while walking there, two talent shit thngy came up to us. one of them saying they're looking for couples to take some wedding shots or something like that. excuse me, i'm quite sure we look too young for marriage.
and baby went home after that.
cindy's trying this puffy cute shorts. her present from lyn and all.
veeks met us too. then we took a bus to cindy's place.
i tell you, her house is really big! it's like 3 levels with 2 basements and a big driveway. like woah! fucking big lah. her gates are like twice my height. darn big!
oh, and everyone's late. she said to go at 5. i think the earliest was amanda who was an hour plus late.
lyn, me and veeks had to find some space to sit/ lie on her bed because her room is way too messy. especially her bed and table. gosh! in the end, we sat on the floor and talked till cindy said we should help her dad start the fire.
yes, it started raining soon enough.
so we went back in and watched teevee, snacked, blahblahblah.
amanda came, bum around even more.
then finaly, the annoying rain stopped.
so we went out, heped a bit, started the fire. and it started raining again!
SO! we bbq-ed in the rain! :D
yada yada yada.
took a bus down to meet my nicestest friend for dinner. it's meant to be a pleasant suprise. but he said something that was pretty hurtful. so yea.
veeks and i.
cindy's two SMELLY dogs!
them, bbq-ing.
veeks and i, playing with the umbrella.
cindy's water catchment area. -.-
veeks. :D
bimbo amanda.
mel and cindy.
the not-very-well-cooked chicken wings.
amanda and veeks.
veeks and cindy.
who says i can't cook?
lyn and mel.
unglam veeks.
amanda and i. ah lian worxxx.
veeks and i. look at her face!
veeks, amanda and i. BEEP!
31st dec, sun.
had church in the morning.
went home, napped. then met baby and ray at orchard. walked down to cineleisure. had cheese fondue. trust me, it sucks. real bad. eeks!
baby bought me my loveeee, blue roses! (:(:(: and a lollipop too! (:(:(:
went for church after that for dinner and service.
was supposed to go fisherman's village to drink and countdown. but plans were cancelled and we went to esplanade to meet lynette, shi jie, clara an clara's friends instead.
it's fucking crowded.
and the shorter routes from city hall to esplanade were closed. so we had to walk all the walk to the fullerton and walk all the way back to eplanade.
luckily we managed to countdown with the rest. and not like get stuck and countdown when we're walking.
saw the firework which was totally gorgeous!
i felt so loved to have baby with me there and then. (:(:
after the countdown and camwhoring at the esplanade mall, doing crazy shit, we decided to go jalan kayu for roti prata!
walked to the mrt station. and it took us an hour or so just to reach the station.
imagine the fucking crowd, trying to squeeze and pushing everyone around them and all.
baby got angry and scolded at someone who pushed me. was pretty scary.
trained down to amk. realised there're no more bus services. so we didn't go for roti prata in the end. rot at the bus stop for a while then raymond, baby and i went to the nearest mcdonald's, which isn't exactly that near. and we walked, and walked, and walked. i think 4 bus stops? darn far.
had supper.
and i was supposed to stay over at baby's. but it's cancelled.
baby sent me back. and i guess it's already almost 4. haha.
some photos taken.
baby, raymond and i.
baby and i.
my lollipop! (:
shi jie and i.
muacks! she's so happy! :D
the cakes! (:
chocolates! loveeee.
me. squatting in the train. haha.
was sitting on baby's feet. :D
heh. unglam!
1st jan, mon.
woke up super late.
mom wanted to go shopping.
so we went vivo city.
had lunch at food republic. ate the laksa. it's good!
then shop, shop, shop. bought a dress from zara, a top from topshop and some random stuffs too. (:(:(:
was feeling really tired and restless. no idea why too. oh wells. baby told me he's feeling the same. :/
aye, that's all, i think.
the dress i bought.
2nd jan, tues.
i was supposed to wake up at 9.30 a.m. to reach baby's house before 11 a.m. but, i overslept. my stupid phone's alarm didn't ring. but luckily baby called my house. and i cabbed down.
his aunt treated us (baby, jin yao, baby's granny, aunt, uncle, cousin and i) to lunch at east ocean restaurant at shaw house. it's her birthday the next day if i'm not wrong.
the restaurant serves dim sum. and i don't quite like eating dim sum because almost everything has prawn in them. not that i don't like prawns, but yea, i get a little sick of it after having a few.
after lunch, the adults wanted to drink coffee. so baby, jin yao, andrew, their aunt and i walked to paragon's dome. the rest of the adults drove there. haha.
after coffee, walked around.
then, baby's aunt drove us back to baby's parents' shop for a short while, then back to baby's house. we played gunbound, but it's so laggy, baby got fed up and decided that dota is better. so he started playing dota, and i got so bored, i slept.
his parents came home and his mom asked me to join them for dinner before i go home.
had dinner at tiong bahru plaza, then walked around, because baby's mom wanted to get shoes. and when i commented that this pair of heels was nice, she insisited on getting it for me. haha. but of course, i didn't get it.
then home sweet home.
baby, me, baby's aunt, baby's granny, jin yao, baby's uncle and aunt.

baby, me, baby's aunt, baby's granny, jin yao,baby's uncle and andrew.
3rd jan, wed.
first day of school. it's not that hard to get up in the morning because i was way too excited to be in the same school as baby. haha. :D and we've same shoes! (:
orientation was so-so. because my og were all retainees. and we and had to merge two og together because only 7 out of 53 turned up. how wonderful. :/
left orientation halfway for dance.
had self-practice and chinese dance.
when we're doing our chinese dance, the jaycee 1 came into the cc. and baby was there too. so embarrassing because i don't quite know my steps.
after dance, met baby and we went dinner together. (: lee yujia, zhi jun, shi jie, kenneth and kenneth's friend went with us.
and i was already feeling darn tired, at the end of the first day of school. how great! :/
our shoes!
4th jan, thurs.
orientation, blahblahblah.
left halfway also, for dance.
then lee yujia, zhi jun and i went bishan for mos burger, because i ws dying for it. haha! :D
went home after that by bus, i slept the whole way and almost missed my stop. thank God, i didn't. i was way too tired to walk back.
5th jan, fri.
it's orientation one's , aka saintallume, finale night.
had to do some glass painting for cip. it's fun! mostly because of cindy's company. (:
oh, i'm darn sure baby failed his art. you won't want to see his so-called "abstract art". it's really bad. hahaha. :DD
and, i left orientation halfway again, because i was performing. haha.
after the performance, the dancers wanted to go for the disco night, BUT! they had a new shit rule that only those with a stamp on their hands will be allowed to go in. in other words, no one else except the jaycee 1.
tried begging the sc's president, but he refused to help, so yea.
in the end, i went with baby and the rest went for dinner.
the disco part was darn short. like one one song? because apparently, the band who was playing, played for an extra half an hour. :/
after the finale, kenneth and i went out for dinner with og1 (baby's og). we went to buy food from plaza singapora then walked down to purple lights to eat.
ate, talked, took photos and all.
then rushed to dhoby ghaut station for the last train.
baby missed the last train at outram and so, he walked home, surprisingly.
my og with my two ogls! hahaha.
6th jan, sat.
i was having fever, so i didn't go for dance in the morning.
took some medicine, felt better, then i went for lunch with lee yujia, zhi jun and shi jie, before going to school for chinese dance practice.
after dance, i asked them to go get birkenstock with me. only lee yujia agreed. but after i promised to share crispy chicken with zhi jun, she agreed too. shi jie was the hardest to convince that day. i whined and all, but she still didn't want to go. so we pulled her into the train, and out of the train at dhoby ghaut, and to the north south line, and we started to catfight a bit. :/ she scratched me lah. so scary. in the end, she teared. and we willingly let her off. my poor love.
so we went to get crispy chicken first. and i had sugarcane drink too.
walkd to wheelock's birkenstock, they didn't have baby's size. so we walked to wisma's world of sports. bought the birkenstock, then home sweet home.
i didn't wanna just share the birkenstock with the rest of his friends, so i went around compass point looking for a nice belt. and finally, after walking into a few shops, i found a nice and affordable belt from levi's.
went home after that, waited for dad to come home, then we went out for dinner.
had arnold's (sp?!) finally after so long. (:(:(:
7th jan, sun.
went for service in the morning.
had lunch then went to teach. had a new class. (:
the kids are great! (:(:(: i love them!
after class, rushed down to town to meet baby and his friends who were playing lan at cuppage. after lan, they played pool. now you know why i say they're rich kids. haha.
we walked to tcc opposite robinsons to have lunch/ high tea/ whatever-it's-called.
then baby and i trained to his house for dinner. (yes, we just ate. :D)
his mom's side were all there. it's my first time meeting them. was feeling pretty weird. haha.
and when they're taking photos, his uncle made baby and i stand there and i wasn't suppose to "escape". so i asked baby if it's our wedding or something. hahaha. :DD
baby's primary four cousin is really cute. haha. and it's so cute to see her whining to baby. i mean i haven't seen anyone except myself whining to him. :D
at around 9-ish? baby walked me to tiong bahru mrt station and i trained home.
8th jan, mon.
school's totally boring.
lectures started and all. but it's all the introduction shit.
and we're having sooooooo many breaks. so i ended up eating so much, because i eat during every break. i swear i'm putting on hell much weight lah. darnit! ):
after school, cindy and i went over to sas to get sas's pe tee. (:
then baby came my house. we played playstation. hahaha! :D i've not played it since God-knows-when.
and who says i'm not good at games! :DD
i won baby in ddr! (:
i won baby in bishi bashi! (: 5-2! (and i lost to him 3-4.)
i won baby in puzzle fighter! (: 9-0! own him, man! :D
he's so lousy lah. hahaha!
and he's coming tomorrow again to play with me. i bet he doesn't admit defeat lah. but! i'm darn sure i'll trash him again! :D
same socks day! (:
see, i didn't lie! it's boringgggg.
baby's hand.
9th jan, tues.
school was the same.
had dance after school.
after dance, amanda, veekay, lynette, lee yujia and i went to novena to ask about the dance pullover. it's pretty cheap, yea.
and haha, of course, we had mos burger for dinner! (:(:(:
trained home after that.
same socks day again! (:

amanda and i. told euuu we r ah lian alreadi wat! :D
10th jan, wed.
school was still as boring.
and i had dance after school.
then i came home and zzz all the way to dinner time.
photos. zzz.
told you it's boring!
11st jan, thurs.
school couldn't get any worse than that.
and cindy, baby and i decided to skipped the physics lecture.
we went down to bugis. went to the costume shop at golden landmark to get the fans. wanted to make our costumes there too, but they told us they're rushing for chingay, so wouldn't be able to make ours on time.
so we went down arab street and saw this shop which has alot of really pretty costumes. went in to ask and they told us one set of costumes would be about $100. but our dearest mrs chia told cindy that one set of costume can only be $60 and below. so we had to continue looking for more costume shops.
what made it worse was the fucking rain that got heavier. and only i've an umbrella.
so baby and cindy took turns to walk/ run in the rain.
finally, we found stage image. and the boss is my senior's mom.
and we got it for $60 per set! YAY! (:(:(:
took my measurements, i realised my waist is half a inch smaller now! (:(:(:
after everything, we walked around some more to find fake flowers for our hair.
found a shop soon enough. cindy and i were fooling around with the flowers and all. hahaha. :D
yada yada yada.
baby and i went to citylink to get our organisers!
it's soooooo pretty (:(:(: am totally in love with it!
then i went home for dinner.
12nd jan, fri.
i was already used to the long breaks and all.
my first lecture was like at 12 p.m.? and that's my last lecture too.
and all i did was rot in the cafe with baby, cindy, and some of baby's friends.
had dance after school.
baby had water polo trial.
met him after dance and when i asked him how his trial went, he said, " everything first, how?" i tell you, he's so terrible. not humble at all. haha.
trained with shi jie to punggol to take bus 34 to the airport. the bus took forever to come lah.
but of course, we don't waste time. haha. :D we camwhored the whole way. from the train to punggol to the bus. hahaha! :D
went to the airport, mom was late, so i had dinner alone at popeyes. (:(:(: haven't ate it since last year.
oh, auntie sue (auntie bee kheng's maid), who has been with us for 7 years, was going back.
i really wish she's coming back. ):
took a bus home with mom after that. and as usual, i slept the whole way.
chuan yuan called at 12 plus and we talked till 1 plus.
veeks! haha.


veeks, cindy and i.
me. haha.
zhi jun and lee yujia.
13rd jan, sat.
had dance in the morning. almost died.
then we took a bus down to bugis to collect the fans. and the rest went to stage image to take their measurements.
i was already starving by then.
baby met us and we went to bugis junction for pasta mania.
walked around. baby wanted to get new phone but bugis's starhub didn't have it.
so we took a train down to plaza singapora. then baby realised his line would only expire in oct. haha. so in the end, he didn't get a new phone. poor love, he's all ready to get a new phone and plan under his name. haha.
then we went to starbucks to study. i had java chip. it's really nice.
studied till around 7.30 p.m., we took a train back to sengkang. he bought 2 hotdog buns and we walked back to my house's void deck to eat.
camwhored a bit and he walked me up.
photos! (:
baby and i.
14th jan, sun.
didn't go for service because dad's sick.
went for brunch at kovan's hawker centre.
went to teach. the kids are great! (:(:(:
i was still quite moody before the classes. and after the classes, i was so happy, i told baby i want a football team! :D
went to pluck eyebrows.
and i had ice creammm! (:(:(:
okay, now i'm waiting for mom and dad to come home with my dinner because i'm starving.
okay, world, that's all.